EEG Test Near Me in Delhi - View Cost, Preparation - City X-Ray
EEG test price in delhi


What Is An Electrocardiogram Test?

An electrocardiogram is a non-invasive and painless diagnostic screening of the brain that helps evaluate its electrical activities to identify abnormalities if any. The test is used to record the brain’s electrical pattern, helping diagnose a wide range of health problems. Human brain cells use electrical impulses to communicate and are active even while sleeping. An EEG records this brain activity in the form of wavy lines.

It is one of the primary diagnostic tests used to diagnose epilepsy or other brain disorders.

is your doctor recommending an Electrocardiogram EEG test? Are you looking for a trusted diagnostic centre that provides affordable EEG test price? Your search ends with City X-Ray.

We are an award-winning diagnostic centre in Delhi NCR, with a team of highly trained technicians, state-of-the-art facilities and a personalised approach. To ensure accurate EEG reporting, we use the most advanced 32 Channel Digital Video Recording Machine from RMS Company. It provides accurate imaging for faster diagnosis and an improved patient experience.

Get in Touch With Us for the Best EEG Test near me in Delhi.

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What An EEG Test Detect?

If your doctor has prescribed an EEG test, you must get it done at the earliest and from a reputable diagnostic centre such as City X-Ray. An electrocardiogram can help detect or treat:

  • Epilepsy
  • Brain disorders that cause symptoms like shivering or unconsciousness
  • Brain damage caused due to a head injury
  • Sleep disorders
  • Dysfunction of the brain is caused by a variety of conditions such as encephalopathy
  • Brain tumours
  • Herpes encephalitis, or a condition that causes inflammation of the brain
  • Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
  • Stroke

For high-quality and reliable EEG tests near me, consult our experts at City X-Ray & Scan Clinic.

How Is An EEG Test Done At City X-Ray?

We have highly experienced technicians who are fully trained to perform an electrocardiogram with utmost precision and safety. Additionally, we use the most advanced EEG device that digitally captures your brain’s activities and records them on a computer. This aids in a faster and better diagnosis of a brain problem.

This is how an EEG is done at our centre:

  • You will be asked to lay down on your back while our technicians will mark the areas on your scalp where the electrodes need to be attached. If required, they will apply a cream on the marked skin
  • Try to stay as still as possible as they will attach small electrodes to the marked areas
  • These electrodes connect to an EEG machine that imparts neural waves to record the brain’s electrical activities. The results are displayed on the computer screen
  • Our experienced neurologist will see the results and create an accurate report that your doctor can use for an effective diagnosis

Throughout the procedure, our technicians ensure to maintain high levels of safety and quality to make the patient feel comfortable.

Call 📞011-4725-2000 to book an appointment and get the best EEG test price in Delhi.

How To Prepare For An EEG?

Though an electrocardiogram does not require any special preparation, you need to follow the below steps to ensure the test is done appropriately and you get accurate results:

  • Wash your hair thoroughly the night before you get an EEG done. Make sure not to use any styling product or conditioner after that
  • Avoid drink or food that contains caffeine like black tea, energy drinks or coffee at least 8 hours before the test
  • If you take any special medicine, tell it to our technicians and follow their instructions

For Best-in-Class EEG Test Near Me, Visit City X-Ray & Scan Clinic

What Do My EEG Results Mean?

Once you get the report, your doctor will review the wave patterns of your brain and identify whether the patterns are normal or abnormal. There may be several reasons for abnormal brain wave patterns:

  • Bleeding in the brain
  • Substance use disorder or alcoholism
  • Migraines
  • Head injury
  • Brain tumour
  • Edema or swelling of the brain
  • Seizure disorders such as epilepsy
  • Stroke
  • Sleep disorders like narcolepsy and sleep apnea

In case of abnormal EEG reading, your doctor may refer you to a neurologist who has the expertise to diagnose, manage or treat the condition.

Why Choose City X-Ray & Scan Clinic?

Looking for a reliable diagnostic centre for EEG near me? Here’s why you can count on us:

  • Years of experience offering high-quality and reliable diagnostic services in Delhi NCR
  • Fully trained and dedicated specialists who have expertise in performing an EEG
  • State-of-the-art lab facilities and advanced EEG machine for accurate reporting

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